Caisey Quinn is the bestselling author of more than 15 full-length romance novels, including the traditionally published Neon Dreams and Nashville's Finest series. She lives in a small town in Alabama with her two children.

After two years of self-publishing, her first traditional deal came from Avon/William Morrow (HarperCollins) and was a significant 3 book deal for the Neon Dreams series. She continues to publish independently as well as traditionally.

Caisey is a huge fan of her fellow romance authors and enjoys reading, trying new recipes from Pinterest, and pushing herself to run long distances without passing out. You can find her online as @CaiseyQuinn and

She is represented by Kevan Lyon of the Marsal Lyon Literary agency. 

Food: Pizza, but not like, regular people pizza. I like Philly Cheesesteaks, BBQ sandwiches, Buffalo wings, and Greek salads in pizza form. I’m an odd duck, I know. My absolute favorite is the curry chicken Thai Dye pizza from Mellow Mushroom. There are cucumbers on it. I can’t even explain the sheer awesomeness of this pizza but I dream about it.

Movie: I literally cannot pick just one. The ones I will always watch over and over are Sweet Home Alabama, Hope Floats, The Lucky One, Pretty Woman

TV Show: I never have time to keep up with actual TV shows but I have watched every episode of Hart of Dixie half a dozen times and I’m currently binge watching a bunch of Taylor Sheridan’s shows on Paramount+.

Snack: Kind of low key obsessed with Quest Buffalo Ranch chips and Fudge Brownie Yasso bars at the moment.

Band/Artist: The Civil Wars. I know, they broke up. I’m still not over it. I also enjoy 80’s and country music (hence all the country music books).

Song: Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey. It’s my life anthem.

Color: Plum if you’re fancy (dark purple if you’re like me)

Beverage: Hot: chamomille tea with lemon and honey for days. Cold: Passion tea lemonade

Pastime: Writing or Reading on my couch when it’s raining and storming outside

Sport: I think I’d be banned from living in the south if I admitted I don’t love watching sports. I do love watching my son play baseball and going to Atlanta Braves games, but I’m honestly there for the snacks mostly. ;)

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